Fake Diploma Comments November
I was browsing your review site, a question popped up regarding diplomacompany. According to your review, they opened their business 2-3 months ago. But according to their website, they have been in business at least since 2007, which is proven by their news posts. And I remember checking out their website last years summer. Im just kind of confused here. Please clarify, because I been thinking to place an order at diplomacompany (they seem reasonable in costs and credible in quality).
The review has been updated accordingly.
Hello I wanted to know if you heard anything about the site phonydiploma being affiliated with the FBI. I was in the process of placing a order and stumbled across some links claiming that there were being monitored or was in fact part of a sting operation!! I have always trusted your judgments and comments, and would really like to know what you thought. Please advise ASAP !!!!
I have no further update on this particular issue.
I am currently looking for a fake EE degree and transcript from XXXXXXX University in Illinois ... I contacted diplomamakers and they said that they dont make them for this particular university anymore b/c they received a warning from my school, thought that would be useful for you to know. Was wondering if you know of any good non-USA sites i could get business from? Tried contacting nd-center yesterday but they havent replied yet too .. so not sure if they are still in business.
I hope you found a site that can meet your demands, I have heard that ppl have had problems in contacting nd-center.com, but the site seems to be still functional so not sure whats going on.
diplomasandtranscripts site is beyond reason the worst site i have come across. they have the worst customer service and their diplomas are so fake that my dog could even figure it out..do not people i repeat do not order anything with them, its a waste of your money. Make sure that you select fake diploma service provider accordingly.
This is not a confirmed comment, with evidence of an order.
I wanted to tell you about "fakediplomasale" from where I purchased a diploma, and not only it came, but it was really good too. So, why do you claim that they are scams? I went for fakediplomasale and was satisfied, so I dont really care what others said in their e-mails to you, but consider it that they probably tried to fool you, in order to damage this particular company. Besides, the comment you wrote against them was over 2 years ago, and since then, not only theyre still in business.
This again is not a confirmed comment and did not have any supporting evidence, but the points made here are valid though fakediplomasale site has a lot of copied content from other sites I have not heard any news about them after the initial scam warnings, this message had many more unsubstantiated comments and embellishments which was not accompanied with any proof so these details were removed.
What if someone gets caught with a Fake Diploma? What will be the consequences? Will he be jailed? These are important fake diploma considerations that you need to take into account before you place the order.
The review has been updated accordingly.
Hello I wanted to know if you heard anything about the site phonydiploma being affiliated with the FBI. I was in the process of placing a order and stumbled across some links claiming that there were being monitored or was in fact part of a sting operation!! I have always trusted your judgments and comments, and would really like to know what you thought. Please advise ASAP !!!!
I have no further update on this particular issue.
I am currently looking for a fake EE degree and transcript from XXXXXXX University in Illinois ... I contacted diplomamakers and they said that they dont make them for this particular university anymore b/c they received a warning from my school, thought that would be useful for you to know. Was wondering if you know of any good non-USA sites i could get business from? Tried contacting nd-center yesterday but they havent replied yet too .. so not sure if they are still in business.
I hope you found a site that can meet your demands, I have heard that ppl have had problems in contacting nd-center.com, but the site seems to be still functional so not sure whats going on.
diplomasandtranscripts site is beyond reason the worst site i have come across. they have the worst customer service and their diplomas are so fake that my dog could even figure it out..do not people i repeat do not order anything with them, its a waste of your money. Make sure that you select fake diploma service provider accordingly.
This is not a confirmed comment, with evidence of an order.
I wanted to tell you about "fakediplomasale" from where I purchased a diploma, and not only it came, but it was really good too. So, why do you claim that they are scams? I went for fakediplomasale and was satisfied, so I dont really care what others said in their e-mails to you, but consider it that they probably tried to fool you, in order to damage this particular company. Besides, the comment you wrote against them was over 2 years ago, and since then, not only theyre still in business.
This again is not a confirmed comment and did not have any supporting evidence, but the points made here are valid though fakediplomasale site has a lot of copied content from other sites I have not heard any news about them after the initial scam warnings, this message had many more unsubstantiated comments and embellishments which was not accompanied with any proof so these details were removed.
What if someone gets caught with a Fake Diploma? What will be the consequences? Will he be jailed? These are important fake diploma considerations that you need to take into account before you place the order.