The story behind the leading fake document maker, fake degree maker, fake certificate maker

Like me, you might have found it necessary to buy a fake college degree, fake certificate or even a fake high school diploma at some point in life from one of the leading fake document maker, fake degree maker, fake certificate maker. If you surf the web you can find many sites that offer faked degrees and other certificates, but the problem is that nobody can guarantee the quality of the products. I have first hand experience and that is the main reason which prompted me to start this site.

Last year I wanted to get a replicate of my brother's masters degree with my credentials on it. At that time I did not know of any sites where you could buy degree certificates, so I had to rely on search engines to come up with them. All of these sites said the same thing, that they provided the most authentic fake degree or fake diploma certificate, which there was no way of proving or disproving.

So I sent a scanned image of my brothers degree certificate to several of these sites and all of them said that they can reproduce it with the same quality. Wasn't I surprised with the outcome.

The first order I placed was delayed by almost 3 weeks. The site boasted that it could deliver in 2 weeks, but it was just hot air. When the replica came it was far worse than what I expected. It was such a bad piece of work that it was glaringly obvious to anyone that it was a fake. The second and third attempts at different sites ended up with the same result. I was so angry by this time that I almost gave up the thought of buying the fake degree. The fourth attempt however proved more lucky and I got a replicate college degree certificate as good as the original. What I learned from my experience was that most of these sites are just out to get your money.

After this episode I asked around and found out that many have suffered the same experience as I had. What they all agree is that there is no way to guarantee that you get a quality product unless the site was recommended by someone who used their services. That is what prompted me to start this site.

Through my network of friends I learned more and more interesting stories about fake diplomas and fake degree provider sites. In one instance a person who had bought a fake degree from a site had to wait over a month to get his certificate, whereas the site boasted that they could provide any item within 10 working days. Every time he called the site hotline they gave some lame excuse and hung up. Later when he finally got the certificate, it turned out to be a very poor imitation, not what was advertised and definitely not what he was expecting. When he tried to call them again all he got was an answering machine. In another case a guy got a totally different certificate instead of the one he ordered. It was from an entirely different college and a different field of study. When he complained about it they had said that it was not their mistake and was adamant that they had made it according to the details he has given. In the end he had to cut his losses and get a new one from another site. There are hundreds of cases like this, but I am not going to bore you with those.

I would like to emphasize that I am not in any way affiliated to any of these site reviewed here. Some of the sites I have personally bought items and thought they deserved a mentioning. Some others were recommended by friends of mine while some I found by doing an online search.

I have personally gone through the site that are reviewed here and purchased various fake degrees and diplomas from them. Based on the products delivered and other criteria I have ranked them from best to worst. You can read the ranking system I used to get more details about it.

Since this site has been up and running there have been many positive responses from visitors and it is reflected by the many testimonials written by them.

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Fake Diploma Analysis on

Fake Degree Maker
Fake Certificate Maker

Fake College Degree Poll

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